

Last Updated February 28, 2005

Star Trek

"A Dish Best Served Cold" - Federation vs. Rogue Federation
"A Dish Best Served Cold" - Federation vs. Rogue Federation
by Keith Carpenter
Last Updated January 16, 2005
Whilst on a routine training mission, the USS Enterprise under the command of Captain Spock received message from the Regula 1 Science lab which was testing the classified Genesis project. It was discovered that the message was being ja... (Read More)

"A Warriors Path" - Federation vs. Klingon
"A Warriors Path" - Federation vs. Klingon
by Keith Carpenter
Last Updated December 28, 2004
The year 2370 was a dangerous one for all concerned. The Dominion was discovered to be led by a race known as the Founders, who were capable of changing their own shape at will. This caused major disruption in all governments, as paranoia started to ... (Read More)

"Black Ops" - Federation vs. Klingon
"Black Ops" - Federation vs. Klingon
by Keith Carpenter
Last Updated December 28, 2004
During a covert mission into Klingon space to record a Klingon military buildup, the USS Prometheus is detected and attacked by a small squadron of Birds of Prey. Due to computer problems, the crew of the Prometheus is unable to communicate with anyo... (Read More)

"Foolishness" - Federation/Privateer vs. Klingon
"Foolishness" - Federation/Privateer vs. Klingon
by Keith Carpenter
Last Updated December 28, 2004
Captain Smith of the Privateer ship SS Mosquito was usually a clever man. When he had bought the obsolete hunk of scrap, affectionately known as an NX Cruiser, he had been smart enough to spend as much as required in order to bring it back up ... (Read More)

"Hopelessness" - Federation vs. Borg
"Hopelessness" - Federation vs. Borg
by Keith Carpenter
Last Updated January 16, 2005
“Flagship to Endeavour – stand by to engage at grid A15!”

“Defiant and Bozeman, fall back to mobile position one!”


“We have it in visual range… a Borg cubeship on course z... (Read More)

"Making Enemies" - Terran vs. Klingon
"Making Enemies" - Terran vs. Klingon
by Keith Carpenter
Last Updated December 28, 2004
During the early days of Starfleet, relations with the Klingons were outright hostile. Starfleet and Klingon vessels would often exchange fire, usually when the Klingons attempted to encroach on their territory. As regularly occurred, in 2158 a small... (Read More)

"Prelude to Fire" - Federation vs. Dominion
"Prelude to Fire" - Federation vs. Dominion
by Unknown
Last Updated December 28, 2004
The year 2370 saw a shadow falling over the mysterious Gamma Quadrant. The Alpha Quadrant power had not yet broken through the veil of the distant region of the galaxy when, all of a sudden, their interests became threatened by a new and dangerous fo... (Read More)

"Rematch" - Federation vs Rogue Federation
"Rematch" - Federation vs Rogue Federation
by Keith Carpenter
Last Updated January 16, 2005
Following the retrieval of Admiral Kirk’s landing party, the Enterprise heads towards the Mutara Nebula. Critically damaged, they know that it is the only way to defeat Khan, as his vessel, the USS Reliant, is in a vastly superior... (Read More)

"The Ashes of Eden" - Federation Mercenary vs. Klingon Mercenary
"The Ashes of Eden" - Federation Mercenary vs. Klingon Mercenary
by Keith Carpenter
Last Updated January 16, 2005
Following the decommissioning of the Enterprise, Captain Kirk retired. A member of the Chal government recruited him to be the core of their self-defense force, along with a vessel, a retired Enterprise saved from being a target ship. F... (Read More)

"The First Battle of Hathban" - Federation vs. Klingons
"The First Battle of Hathban" - Federation vs. Klingons
by Tyrel Lohr
Last Updated December 28, 2004
“Captain’s Log, stardate… err… what is the stardate? I don’t know, and my astrologer didn’t give me my horoscope today, so I have no clue. Anyway, this is Admiral Beatrix Janeway of the Federation Federation Drea... (Read More)

"The Genesis Incident (Part 1)" - Federation vs. Klingon
"The Genesis Incident (Part 1)" - Federation vs. Klingon
by Keith Carpenter
Last Updated January 16, 2005
Following the creation of the Genesis planet, Starfleet sent the Science Vessel USS Grissom to investigate the formation of a new planet. Whilst their, the science team leant much important information, both about the life cycle of a planet, a... (Read More)

"Things to Come" - Tholians vs. Vulcans
"Things to Come" - Tholians vs. Vulcans
by Keith Carpenter
Last Updated January 16, 2005
During the exploration of unknown space by the crew of the SS Enterprise, a strange vessel was discovered that made use of advanced technologies. It was eventually discovered that this vessel was an observation craft from the future, and after... (Read More)

"Vengeance" - Terran vs. Klingon
"Vengeance" - Terran vs. Klingon
by Keith Carpenter
Last Updated December 28, 2004
The year 2153 saw massive devestation strike Earth. Over a million casualties resulted from a seemingly unprovoked attack by a race known as the Xindi. Because of this, Starfleet recalled their most advanced starship back to Earth to be refitted as t... (Read More)


"Questions" - Federation vs. Interstellar Alliance
"Questions" - Federation vs. Interstellar Alliance
by Keith Carpenter
Last Updated January 16, 2005
There are many questions in the universe. Why is the sky blue? What is the meaning of life? Why is it only one shoe in a pair fit properly? Do you zip then fasten or fasten the zip? How the hell did the Trills evolve? Why did the goddamned chicken cr... (Read More)

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