

Star Trek Conversion Rules Guide (v2.5.2)
This is the current draft of the Star Trek to Babylon 5 Wars Conversion Rules Guide. It is loosely structured at this time, but holds the most raw information for those that want to familiarize themselves with the current rules set. Updated January 28, 2004

Star Trek Ship Guide
An early working copy of the Star Trek Ship Guide. The Ship Guide will eventual contain all of the text description information on each ship, much like the Babylon 5 Wars Ships of the Fleet books did.
The Star Trek Ship Guide will also come to house any special rules, notes, or insights as to the races of the Star Trek universe, including their individual background and technical histories.



Ship Control Sheet Archives








Ships of the Fleet: Vulcan High Command
Included in this ship control sheet archive are many early Vulcan ships as seen on "Enterprise". This includes the D'kyr, Sh'ran, Surak, Ti'mur, Vahklas, and D'Vahl warships.
Last updated September 13, 2003.







Borg & Species 8472 Countersheet #1
Counters for the Borg and Species 8472. Note that these counters are done using gradients just like the AOG ancients, so the file size of the PDF is much larger than that of the other counters.



Cardassian Countersheet #2
Countersheet for secondary units of the Cardassian Union, including bases, OSAT's, and shuttles. Updated August 24, 2003.






Federation Countersheet #5
Federation counters for a number of new Federation units from the shows as well as other licenses.
Version 1.2, updated August 24, 2003

Ferengi Countersheet #1
Counters for Ferengi units, including those units from the Birth of the Federation computer game.

Gorn Countersheet #1
Counters for the Gorn, including ships from both the FASA Star Trek Starship Combat Simulator as well as Star Fleet Battles.


Klingon Countersheet #2
Klingon counters for ships from the FASA Star Trek Starship Tactical Combat Simulator and ADB Star Fleet Battles game systems.

Klingon Countersheet #3
Klingon counters, including additional counters for other units found on other countersheets and Klingon shuttles.

Klingon Countersheet #4
Counters for several new Klingon units released or developed since the last countersheet release.

Miscellaneous Countersheet #1
Counters for the following races or factions: Krenim, Malon, Maquis, Miradorn, Pakled, Hunter, Talarian, Yridian, and Civilian.



Romulan Countersheet #2
Counters for other Romulan units, including many from the FASA Star Trek Starship Tactical Combat Simulator.

Romulan Countersheet #3
Counters for recent and future Romulan units, including Romulan/Reman units from Star Trek: Nemesis.



Game Aids

Star Trek Fleet Analysis
Daniel Sallee has created an excellent Excel 2000 spreadsheet comparing the fleet structures of the major Star Trek races based on the ships in the conversion.
Included with the spreadsheet is a commentary that describes the spreadsheet elements and walks the reader through the logic behind the spreadsheet.
Last Updated April 28, 2003


Questions, comments, or suggestions? Please contact
Tyrel Lohr at contact@tyrellohr.com.
All original content © 2025, Tyrel Lohr.
All other materials are owned by their respective authors.