

Last Updated June 13, 2003

2032-2055: The Bintari Expansion and the K'Thonn Rebellion
2032-2055: The Bintari Expansion and the K'Thonn Rebellion
The first section of the Bintari/K'Thonn Saga campaign universe, it covers the Bintari Federation's first steps into the universe and their contact with the K'Thonn.
2056-2068: The Great Crusade and the K'Thonn/Nyglum War
2056-2068: The Great Crusade and the K'Thonn/Nyglum War
This expands on the history of the Bintari and K'Thonn and introduces the Nyglum, an isolationist alien race in a state of civil unrest. As the K'Thonn and Nyglum make war, the Bintari Federation moves into the great nebula and conquers their fear of the unknown.
The K'Thonn Colony Wars
The K'Thonn Colony Wars
A history of the K'Thonn Colony Wars, the K'Thonn's first major space conflict. When the Colonial Opposition's hand is tipped they must fight for their lives to hold onto their freedom in the face of the brutal attacks of the K'Thonn Hierarchy.

Ship Control Sheet Archives

Kylon Union Ships
Ships of the Kylon Union.
Nyglum Overmind Ships
Nyglum Overmind Ships
A collection of Nyglum ships. These have been modified slightly from their original form, but are mostly the same as before.

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