
 Ships of the Fleet 

Last Updated June 26, 2006
Rebel Assault Frigate


Rebel Alliance
Class Capital Ship
Availability Unlimited Deployment
In Service 3
Out of Service n/a
Source Rebellion Sourcebook
Author WEG
Last Updated June 26, 2006
Rebel Assault Frigate
Assault frigates were modified Dreadnaught-class cruisers that were first employed by the Rebel fleet around the time of the Battle of Kashyyyk of the Galactic Civil War. They served as a mainstay of the New Republic Defense Fleet in the years following the Battle of Endor. The frigate was tweaked into the assault frigate Mark II, and although the Mk. I remained in operation, the Mk.II production line failed. As the New Republic began to acquire Galactic Republic-era Rendili StarDrive Dreadnaught-class starships, it found the required 16,000-being crew to be difficult to manage and procure, yet they were in desperate need of warships. After equipping Dreadnaughts with droids and automated systems to reduce the crew requirement to 5,000 beings, thus rendering the ships usable, New Republic engineers began modifying Dreadnaughts to allow for greater speed and efficiency while retaining the original weapon systems. The final product was only recognizable as a descendant of the Dreadnaught-class by the nose of the ship. Most of the internal structure was exposed to space and two dorsal fins provided added maneuverability.

Ship Control Sheet(s):
Rebel Assault Frigate - SCS
 Unlimited Deployment
Related Entries:
No Related Entries
Design Notes:
SCS by Ben Rubery

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