
 Ships of the Fleet 

Last Updated November 10, 2005
Naboo N1 Starfighter


Old Republic
Class Medium Fighter
Availability Unlimited Deployment
In Service -28
Out of Service n/a
Source TPM
Author George Lucas
Last Updated November 10, 2005
Naboo N1 Starfighter
A space superiority fighter, the N1 was well ahead of its time. Combining agility, firepower, a deflector shield capable of angling the shields to provide maximum protection, and a array of proton torpedoes, the N1 was an excellent use of Naboo's limited defense capabilities. While expensive, it was years before the rest of the galaxy caught up with this snubfighters efficiency and aesthetic design.

Ship Control Sheet(s):
Naboo N1 Starfighter - SCS
 Unlimited Deployment
This ship is included in the:
Old Republic Ships
Ship Archive
Related Entries:
No Related Entries
Design Notes:
May carry up to 6 proton torpedoes at 5 CP each.

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