
 Ships of the Fleet 

Last Updated November 8, 2005
Carrack Light Cruiser


Old Republic
Class Medium Ship
Availability Unlimited Deployment
In Service -38
Out of Service n/a
Source Thrawn Trilogy
Author Timothy Zahn
Last Updated November 8, 2005
Carrack Light Cruiser
A fast light cruiser, the Carrack was introduced when the primary issues concerning the Republic navy were pirates and smugglers. However, the Carrack is a credible light warship and served with distinction during the Clone Wars, especially in the Battle of Coruscant. The Carrack was often used to hunt down fleeing CIS ships, and its acceleration was often used to the Republic's advantage in tactical situations.

Ship Control Sheet(s):
Carrack Light Cruiser - SCS
 Unlimited Deployment
Carrack Ion Cruiser - SCS
 Uncommon Variant
This ship is included in the:
Old Republic Ships
Ship Archive
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Design Notes:
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