
 Ships of the Fleet 

Last Updated June 24, 2007
Draconian Royal Yacht


Draconian Dynasty
Class Light Combat Vessel
Availability Unlimited Deployment
In Service 2472
Out of Service n/a
Source Buck Rogers in the 25th Century
Author na
Last Updated November 8, 2005
Draconian Royal Yacht
The Royal yacht of a member of the Draconian Dynasty, this vessel combines the most impressive accoutrements of the Dynasty (suited to the taste of the Royal family member in question) with a solid defense and the expensive and highly prized Plasma Shield. This combination ensures the Royal family of absolute comfort even in the middle of otherwise stressful combat maneuvers and enemy fire.

Ship Control Sheet(s):
Draconian Royal Yacht - SCS
 Unlimited Deployment
Related Entries:
No Related Entries
Design Notes:
The Plasma Shield function as a normal EM or Gravitic shield, except that it only works against certain types of weapons - anti-matter, ballistic, bil-pro, matter, particle, and plasma.

Laser, Gravitic, and Molecular weapons are unaffected by this defensive system.

In crossover situations it also protects against turbolaser weapons (which is a form of compressed plasma after the laser ignites the tibanna gas) but not laser pulse weapons.

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