
 Ships of the Fleet 

Last Updated March 25, 2005
Ix Kanly Assault Fighter


IX (House Vernius)
Class Medium Fighter
Availability Unlimited Deployment
In Service 9991
Out of Service na
Source Dune
Author Christian Meador
Last Updated March 25, 2005
No Image Available
Few who bought the Amtal Export fighter knew of its sister ships, the Freyn and the Kanly. The Kanly itself would come as a rude surprise for anyone who tested the sovereignty of machine masters of IX.

Like the design that it appeared to be, the Kanly carried a single powerful Plasma Bolt cannon, able to chew through the armor of any frigate in space with ease. However, in a universe filled with shielded ships, it was considered a strange design, as the plasma weapon had no additional effect against the Holtzman generators.

Again, according to Ixian design. For the Kanly fielded a weapon unseen before in the Imperium. Even the Lion Throne could not have anticipated the Harmonic Resonator. Using their unique knowledge of ship construction and the abilities of the Holtzman shield, Ixian researchers created a weapon designed to bypass the shield itself, and set up a resonance wave that would cancel out the shield for short periods of time.

Ship Control Sheet(s):
Landsraad Ixian Amtal Export Fighter - SCS
 Unlimited Deployment
Ix Kanly Assault Fighter - SCS
 Unlimited Deployment
Ix Feyn Hunter-Seeker - SCS
 Unlimited Deployment
Related Entries:
No Related Entries
Design Notes:
The Harmonic Resonator will be detailed in full in an upcoming expansion. Notice that the shaded structure area on the ship represents its Resonator - if the weapon is fired it loses that shaded structure, as well as the benefits of the shield.

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