

Last Updated January 16, 2005
"Prelude to Fire" - Federation vs. Dominion
"Prelude to Fire" - Federation vs. Dominion
Last Updated:
Tuesday, December 28, 2004

The year 2370 saw a shadow falling over the mysterious Gamma Quadrant. The Alpha Quadrant power had not yet broken through the veil of the distant region of the galaxy when, all of a sudden, their interests became threatened by a new and dangerous foe: the Jem'Hadar. Little was known of this potential enemy, and those that had knowledge of the Jem'Hadar had even less to impart to others. The Federation waited for more answers, but as time passed more ships disappeared and more colonies destroyed in the Gamma Quadrant. Then word came from space station Deep Space Nine that station personnel in the Gamma Quadrant had been captured and held by the Jem'Hadar. Something had to be done, and it had to be done now. So it was that the Federation dispatched the Galaxy-class starship, U.S.S. Odyssey, and three Danube-class Runabouts through the Bajoran wormhole to investigate the situation first hand and return with the prisoners but, more importantly, with more detailed information on the force that threatened their citizens, and the citizens of other friendly worlds, in this new frontier. The small fleet's mission would be cut dramatically short. After transiting the wormhole, one Runabout sped ahead of the fleet to rescue the hostages while the rest of the fleet slowly continued its approach. Suddenly, the U.S.S. Odyssey and its two escorts found themselves ambushed by three Jem'Hadar attack ships. The Federation would learn very quickly that they were dealing with a truly deadly enemy. Federation Forces: 1x Galaxy Command Ship (U.S.S. Odyssey) 2x Danube Runabouts w/ 10 Micro Torpedoes each Dominion Forces: 3x Attack Ships Setup The Bajoran wormhole is located in hex 0303. The U.S.S. Odyssey begins in hex 0705 with one Danube Runabout in 0804 and one in 0706. The third Runabout is off the map rescuing the hostages. The Odyssey is doing speed 5. Both Runabouts are doing speed 6. The Dominion player places the Attack Ships in any hex of row 42xx. All Attack Ships are doing speed 10. Special Rules If the Odyssey loses a warp nacelle or one structure block, OR both Runabouts are destroyed, the Federation forces must retreat from battle back through the wormhole. For the purposes of the scenario, consider the Bajoran wormhole entrance to function as a standard jump gate with an opening facing direction C. Dominion forces may ram. Victory Conditions Federation: The Federation win a major victory if all Jem'Hadar Attack Ships are destroyed. A partial victory is won if the Federation player disengages the Odyssey and at least one Runabout through the wormhole while destroying at least one Attack Ship. Dominion: The Dominion win a major victory if all Federation forces are destroyed. A minor victory can be achieved by destroying the Odyssey. Historical Result The Federation succeeded in rescuing the hostages, the Runabout arriving just as the last Jem'Hadar Attack Ship rammed the U.S.S. Odyssey, destroying the ship. This loss represented a major blow to Federation morale and proved that the enemy that waited for them on the other side of the wormhole was possibly a bigger threat than they had ever possibly considered. (Site note: if the author of this scenario can contact me, I will credit them with the scenario. I can't remember who created this scenario!)

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